Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Monday, Oct. 22, 2007

Passage Read: Philippians 1 and 2

Stand outs: "Don't worry about anything. Instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. If you do this you will experience God's peace which is far more wonderful than the mind can understand. This peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus" Phil. 2:5-11

So I totally got slapped on the wrists by God just now. He told me a while ago that I was not to be selfish about this move. I needed to go with the mindset that should be looking for who I can help- who I read- how I can further God's kingdom. Instead I've been wallowing in self pity because no one has come knocking on my door to become my new best friend. Wow!
Even at church on Sunday I was so wrapped up in "rating" the church and how it fit me "needs" that I failed to see what I can do to add to their ministries. I was wrapped up in my security blanket, afraid to be uncomfortable, that I only spoke to 3 people and only as responses.

Goal #1: Get Over Myself!
I need to get my mind changed from "what can they do for me?" to "what can I do for them?"

Goal #2: Straighten Out My Life.
My house needs to be ready for whatever God is gonna get me to do so
Unpack - Organize - Keep It Clean
I just know God's gonna use this great house He's given me for His glory

Goal #3: Work On The Skills God's Given Me.
Get out the guitar - get those books organized - be prepared

Goal #4: Stop Spending My Days "Putting In Time".
Get off the internet - Turn off the T.V. - Be more productive

Give My life Purpose!!!